Man is perhaps the only animal who ill-treats and even kills other animals for his pleasure . He destroys their natural habitats and ruthlessly kills animals for their skin , bones and meat , although he is not a meat- eater by nature and holds life sacred .
Did anyone know that countless animals and birds are killed , mutilated or decapitated in the name of scientific experiments , testing and research?
Rats , rabbits , birds and monkeys are not only kept in cramped and over-crowded cages but also subjected to ruthless treatment in a cold-blooded way in laboratories . The poor silent souls cannot even express the pain suffering they are subjected to . Most of them die premature , painful and unnatural deaths .
Circuses , zoos , road shows ,cattle and bird markrts are also death traps for these hapless creatures . Monkeys , bears and parrots are ill-treated by circus people and road side showmen to make money by showing thier tricks and antics .Bulls , horses , mules , camels and donkeys are made to carry heavy loads .
Children can play an important role in stopping this cruelty to animals . They must joins to create world-wide awareness for the ethical and humane treatment of animals . They can join protests and rallies against animal testing and launch signature campaigns for this purpose . Also they must refuse to buy animal products or products which have been tested on animals . They should make the animals free from zoos and cages and support animals and start environment conservation programmes.
Children of the world , animals cry for your help . They cannot survive without your support .